
Contact Us for current studio space availability >

Hi, we are Positive Space Studios, a creative community, artist studios and gallery space. Our mission is to build and foster an equitable community of artists that are inspired to create and celebrate their work. We are passionate about curating art exhibitions, workshops, cultural events and good vibes. We enable creatives looking to work within a like-minded community with access to an event space. Please contact us for the latest studio availability, to host a workshop or show your work or have an event in our space!


A Positive Place to Create & Celebrate

Whether you're looking to build a body of work, craft client work, experiment and push yourself further or just work alongside creative people, we have space for you. We welcome anyone with passion and the energy to realize that the more they contribute, the stronger our creative community becomes and the better you become.

A Community of Mixed-Media Mindsets

Everyone has their own unique style, process, personality and creative offering and that's what we love about it. We've organically assembled a truly diverse creative community that works together, privately and openly. We welcome creatives of all backgrounds and expertise to join us. Outside artists welcome too! 


The Founders


Melissa Mendiola / Co-Owner & Artist
@_meli.fullspirit_ / www.melissamendiola.com


Jordan Polonsky / Co-Owner & Artist
@yopoco / Things I’ve Made

Positive Space Studios Instagram(s)